Directed by Vivien Mason
Synopsis: A colourful stop motion animated documentary exploring how a passion for craft helps four makers overcome adversity. A carer finds purpose in knitting and making yarn. A health worker starts a men’s knitting circle. A new Tasmanian inspires others by teaching ceramics, and an arts worker sews old textiles to create new items and new hope for a sustainable future.
Director’s Statement: Handmade Happiness began as a documentary idea when I read a newspaper article reporting the medical benefits of crochet on mental health. I was fascinated. Although I can’t crochet I love to make things by hand and I had no idea that handicrafts could actually make you healthier. Through the film I share stories from four Tasmanians who have found that handmade pursuits have enriched their lives and helped them to overcome adversity. The documentary interviews were completed as audio recordings which I have illustrated with stop motion animation. Each interviewee is represented by a textile character who lives in an abstract world of craft materials. Documentary animation gave me a wonderful opportunity to share the creative passion of each maker using the materials that they love so much. The time and care that went into animating real textiles, fibres and craft tools is an invitation to the viewer to perhaps start a craft project themselves.