Director: Matthew Newton
Synopsis: The story of how a small team of scientists and volunteers are working together to bring a brilliant little bird back from the brink of extinction.
Director’s Statement: I’m really interested in conservation science and story-telling. The OBP’s are a great little bird and there is an incredible effort from a whole community of people to secure the birds future.
The brief for these films was to explore a ‘wicked’ problem faced by Tasmanians. In this case the wicked problem is extinction, when we loose a species we are all much less for it.
The brilliant solution to this comes from a community of people, both professional and volunteers that have banded together to ensure the continued existence of the wonderful Orange Bellied Parrot.
I think the story of the Parrot People as I call them, ultimately is a story about how when a community of people work on a common goal they can achieve amazing things. This is a relatively small community of people that are managing to keep a critically endangered bird from going extinct. Isn’t that fantastic!